23 Mart 2008 Pazar

moda mutfak

Moda Mutfak is a series of collaborative workshops exploring the molecular politics of food and fashion, where participants build a collective platform of knowledge on the relation between cooking and craft, reclaiming skills and systems of delegation to master both the utensils of cooking as well as crocheting.
Moda Mutfak is the home of the critical cuisine where creative culinary sessions are flavored with the fashion foundations. Here critical discussion seasoned with oriental organza mixes conversation with craft and also brings together a group of interested and skillful practitioners to share discursive digestion as well as crackerjack craftivism. Fashion fodder is cultivated into exquisite edibles. A new exclusiveness is born - a radical sharing of skills. Each modamutfak event is having a different theme duo, announced to the invited guests beforehand. modamutfak is a roomservices event.

Moda Mutfak yemek yapmanın ve modanın mikro-politikalarıyla ilgilenen bir atölye serisidir. Katılımcılar yemek yapma ve tasarım- zanaatkarlığın bilgilerini paylaşacakları, ve uygulama biçimlerini deneyecekleri ortak bir platformu kullanmak üzere davet edilirler.

Eleştirel ve deneysel yemek yapma biçimlerinin yanısıra modanın farklı uygulamaları ile becerilerin paylaşıldığı melez bir ortam oluşturulmaktadır. Her modamutfak farklı bir tema ikilisi ile davetlilere bildirilir. modamutfak bir roomservices etkinliğidir.

3 yorum:

Unknown dedi ki...

YES! Good stuff - you know I am your biggest fan!

evren dedi ki...


Roger dedi ki...
